Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Many Faces of Halloween

Don't ask me why, but Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year. The weather is breaking, it's a fun holiday, and I look forward to the little trick-or-treaters who come toting an assortment of make-shift candy-collecting bags in their equally creative costumes. The day started with a visit from what I'll call the Halloween Moth. It was snoozing on our screen door and stayed most of the day. Mid-morning, I held a Halloween parade for about 100 toddlers at B&N. They were simply adorable as they ambled around the store as super heroes, angels, tater-tots (yup, complete with catsup and mustard), ballerinas and pumpkins.
The afternoon was spent in the garden with Bebe.

We generally don't put out a lot of decorations, but, there's usually a pumpkin or two. By far, however, the most outstanding pumpkin of all was this one:
This is Jayne's sister, Gen, who is due on Jayne's birthday, Nov 30th. Wonder if the baby will be born a red-head!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooooo! Look at all the lemons!! How cool! Why does Bebe have a look of disdain on her face in the picture? lol