J is for Jillian with the beautiful dark hair.
I is for Imagination with boldness to dare.
L is for all of the Love that you'll bring.
L is for all of the Lullabies we'll sing.
I is for Inspriring everyone that you'll meet.
A is for all the Adventures you'll seek.
N is for No one else is the same.
M is for Mae, Aunt B's middle name.
A is for Always a smile on your face.
E is for Everything good in God's grace.
R is for all of the Rainbows you'll see.
O is for Oceans of endless opportunities.
W is for all the Wishing you'll do.
L is for Life made especially for you.
E is for Eternal happiness and good fate.
Y is for all the Yesterdays of memories you'll make.