Finally, Steph (right), Nan (center) and Amie get to meet! After communicating on-line on my-calorie-counter.com together for two years, we met face-to-face today in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Nan flew in from Tampa and Amie and Steph drove from Ohio. Amie, the twin Queen, Steph, the Gypsy Queen and Nan, the Las Flacas Queen, shown above share drinks at the Barnes & Noble Cafe. We chatted about our pets and partners, saw twins-to-be baby pictures and browsed B&N. After book shopping we went to Whole Foods and had a very healthy meal (not sure the dessert was low-cal, but it came with an folding spork which intrigued us all). We sampled super salty cheese, Steph bought fig yogurt (ewwww) and some healthy cereal (let us know how the cardboard tastes)! A great time was had by all! It so nice to put faces to names and avatars!