Our end of summer vacation took us from the left coast of Florida to the left coast of the United States where beautiful northern California was its stellar self . Our hosts, Cathy and Feather, helped us eat our way through the grape-dappled countryside, and guided us through the steep hills and colorful culture that only San Francisco has to offer.
Every morning, our Santa Rosa alarm clocks rang with the sounds of gaggles of geese flapping across foggy morning skies. At dusk, the living room picture-window brought us the novel view of deer nibbling their dinner across neighborhood lawns.
Getting used to the time change was a breeze, especially when our first dinner (midnight EST) was at Skates on the Bay, in Berkeley. I have never had a more divine tomato soup, and would have gladly licked the bowl had there not been tables full of other diners to witness my gastronomical gluttony. Cathy and Feather treated us to delectable delights found only in California from crab sandwiches to Thai to tapas and the most incredible macaroni and cheese I have ever had. Even New York Style pizza tasted better in California!
We spent one day driving from Santa Rosa to Calistoga, through Oakville, Yountville and Napa Valley, and Sonoma. On the way to Calistoga, we stopped at the Petrified Forest and walked the mile loop in awe of trees 10-feet in diameter.
We met a dear old friend of Jayne's in San Francisco, and with Feather as our tour guide, we hit the hilly streets. Who better than a native San Franciscan could guide us through the best San Fran has to offer. We ate lunch at an Italian restaurant where I'm sure, my father's spirit was in the kitchen cooking! We walked China Town, ate hot (and flat) fortune cookies and drank espresso in a side-walk cafe. Visiting the fantastic Palace of Fine Arts was one of the day's highlights.
Chinese Fortune Cookie baker, and Chinese Laundry.
We spent our last day touring the Pacific by driving through sleepy little sea-side towns. We stopped to scavenge for sea glass and take in the salty, chilly air of the Pacific. Even though we've been home for a week, it's still taking a while to finally adjust to Florida time. I feel like I'm getting up way too early (to the sounds of cardinals, not geese), and dinnertime cravings start to kick in about 9:00 pm for California food. Until next year, I'll be California dreamin'.