This is 18-month old Jilli being a squiggle-butt. We spent a few days reading every book she could get her hands on and learning signs. She knows how to sign MORE (or her version of it), FINISH and PLEASE, and she recognizes quite a few signs! This week she learned to sign SHOES, CHEESE, and AIRPLANE and was exposed to about 50 other signs like COOKIE, CRACKER, WATER, MILK, STARS, SOCKS, HORSE, CAT, DOG, BABY BIRD, TRAIN, CAR, TRUCK, EAT and tons more. She's fascinated with a deck of sign language cards and loves to point to them and have someone sign them to her. Oh, and she also said "NaNa" (her version of Nancy). As for spoken vocabulary, she's great at "mine" and "nite-nite" as well as "shhh", "mama", "knock-knock", and "what's that?" among others.
I think she got tired of me signing. At one point she came up to me and just flailed her hands wildly in the air pretending to sign for about 15 seconds. It was hysterical! At least she had some elements of the signs I taught her and had great facial expressions!!
She's our little whirling-dervish!