I'm a long-haired Chihuahua. At least that's what the Georgia breeder told my owners. I have what's called a "deer head" and I'm called a "chocolate blue". When people meet me they ask "what kind of dog is that?" When they're told I'm a Chihuahua, they laugh and say, that's not a Chihuahua!!! Some think I'm a Dingo, some think I'm a mix of a Chi and a Pom, some think I'm a Rat Terrier. Some think I'm just the cutest dog on earth. Most just shake their head. My neighbor named me Sophita after my predecessor Sophia, a Yorkie. My parents call me Bebe, thus, I am now Bebe Sophita, and I really am a Chihuahua. The breeders said I'd get to be 5 or 6 pounds. I am currently around 10 pounds. The long-hair part is a work in progress. So far, my ears, mane and butt are long-hair..the rest is taking its time growing in. I'm a digger, I can fetch, sit on command, partially roll over, stay when I feel like it and I'm working on "shake". I went to puppy school for 8 weeks and learned how to walk on a leash, sit, stay, and come (come is really hard). Luckily, I sleep through the night and I've only chewed a few things like table legs, chair legs and cardboard boxes. But, I'm just a puppy and I can. My favorite toy is called Kong which my auntie Gen sent to me. Gen, who lives in Michigan, adopted a Corgi from Kentucky a few years ago. Carmen, is now about 65 lbs and looks like a wolf. I don't think it's a Corgi just like people don't think I'm a Chihuahua. People call Gen's dog a Kentucky Corgi and I've heard people call me a Georgia Chihuahua.
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